25. Persons holding the licences listed below on 19 April 2012, are deemed, for the current calendar year, to be the holders of the licence mentioned directly above:(1) racing judge’s licence:(a) paddock judge’s licence;
(b) equipment judge’s licence;
(c) patrol judge’s licence;
(d) horse identifier’s licence;
(2) paddock judge’s licence:(a) equipment judge’s licence;
(b) patrol judge’s licence;
(c) horse identifier’s licence;
(3) equipment judge’s licence:(a) horse identifier’s licence;
(b) patrol judge’s licence;
(4) starting judge’s licence:(a) equipment judge’s licence;
(b) horse identifier’s licence;
(c) patrol judge’s licence;
(5) race secretary’s licence:(a) assistant race secretary’s licence;
(b) program director’s licence;
(c) race officer’s licence;
(6) assistant secretary’s licence:(a) program director’s licence;
(b) race officer’s licence;
(7) program director’s licence:(a) race officer’s licence;
(8) pari-mutuel employee’s licence:(a) support staff in the management of an association’s licence;
(b) admission employee’s licence;
(c) maintenance employee’s licence;
(d) restaurant employee’s licence;
(9) horse owner’s licence:(a) groom’s licence;
(b) authorized agent’s licence;
(10) Class A, B or C horse driver’s licence:(a) horse trainer’s licence;
(b) groom’s licence;
(c) authorized agent’s licence;
(11) horse trainer’s licence:(a) groom’s licence;
(b) authorized agent’s licence.